Saturday, March 27, 2010

WLS Update

I am still moving along with my WLS plans. Lots of different appointments with lots of different doctors. I will be having a sleep study soon which should be interesting. However I am looking forward to it. I get to sleep one night without a kids tapping me on the shoulder asking for a drink of water. LOL.
My insurance has some rules that I need to follow.  I am down 16 lbs. so far and hope to lose more once the insurance approves the program. My BMI is right at the cut for the surgery. Hopefully my surgeon will be able to get the approval soon and then I can really start attacking the weight loss. I am still working with the nutritionist and now I am working on eating slowly. This is tough for me to do right now because my life tends to move at a pretty fast pace with the girls schedule and mine. I am changing a lot of what I eat. Tonight was a ground turkey stroganoff and a small protien smootie for a snack.  I also have cut out most soda. For those who know me this is a huge thing for me to do without. It is not the taste I really like the bubbles in softdrinks. I feel like the fish on finding NEMO who screams for bubbles.

Caffine is a middle school teachers lifeline. However I am finding that I can live on decafe.
I still have a few more appointments to go but I am slowly checking them off the list. Psych eval, neuro, surgeon, nutrition, support groups. Its a lot but will give me some piece of mind when I go for the surgery.
Last week I went to a support group meeting and it was interesting and I learned a lot. 2 more of those to go. However I think I will attend more. I just need to remember to not sit next to the lady who had the surgery had her band slip and gain all her weight back . Not to good for the confidence.


  1. Best wishes to you!! It will be worth every effort :) ~Eggface

  2. The only problem I see is you passing the Psych eval - the Lisa I know is pretty crazy!!! Other then that you should do great! Good luck.

  3. Yeah I am curious to see where that one goes. I even made a healthy chicken and rice dinner that the kids liked tonight. Things are looking up.
