Sunday, January 25, 2009

Wii love the Wii

Ok so it is Sunday morning and I sit here with a Wii controller resting on my lap while I type. So I thought I would share how the Wii is in constant use in our house. I am not sure it is a good or bad thing it is just a fact WE LOVE THE WII.

  • 8 AM 4 yr old gets up. Turns on TV puts Hannah Montana into the Wii and starts her concert tour.

  • 9 AM we wake up to the yelling of the 4 yr old "I just made it to a new city!!!"

  • We watch her dance and sing for a while.

  • 9:30 Pancakes for breakfast NO Wii. We do not want syrup on the controller.

  • 11:00 6 yr old starts on the Wii. Wii Fit is her game. She loves competing against the trainer in the Fitness Challenges. Will I lose weight watching her??? The 4 yr old joins in occasionally.

  • 11:00 6 yr old done with fitness now on to agility, Soccer heading, ski jumping etc. Soon it will be lunch time.

  • 12:00 Feed the kids lunch. Do not ask what they ate I will never tell.

  • Now it is Moms turn. Kids want to play outside with friends. So now to kill some people in "Call of Duty". I think I am a bit obsessed with this game.

  • 3:00 Kids come in make some cookies with them.

  • Upstairs they go to do what ever 4 and 6 year olds do.

  • 6:00Dinner

  • 7:00 A few games of family bowling on the WII

  • Kids do homework or reading

  • 8 pm Off to bed.

  • Dad gets to play Call of Duty. Thank god for TIVO I won't miss "Desperate Housewives".

We love the Wii.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Foxwoods Mini Vacation

We started a tradition in our family a few years ago of going to one of the casinos over Christmas break as a quick get away. It started out just 4 of us my my husband, myself, my sister-in-law, and my niece. Over the years more and more from the family have heard about it and it has turned into a really nice quick get away. This year we will have around 15 people attending the event.
I think the economy had many of us on the ropes over Christmas break so we decided to postpone it until after the holidays. Well the economy must be hitting Foxwoods as well because we were able to get several rooms for free and none more than $40. We head out at the beginning of Feb.
We set our trip up so even the thinnest wallet can attend. We designate one room as the "LOSER LOUNGE" we set up video games. This year I believe we are bringing ROCK BAND and other cool WII games. We all bring different cocktails and appetizers.
For those that want to we all go out for dinner the night we arrive and generally meet for a late night snack around mid night. In the morning we catch a late breakfast together to see who the winners and losers are.
We are not frequent casino goers but it is a great way for a quick get away that does not require an expensive flight.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Ok so my kids are 4 and 6 and I am finding myself at the Y more and more. The new director Ed Toole has been impressing me. He has upgraded the play room and my 4 yr old loves it. There are a lot of new programs to get kids more active. Coming from a mom who's kids think that the WII and the Nintendo DS are what you do in between going to the bathroom and eating the activities are a good thing. We just started TBall it is in the gym and it is just fun for the kids. I like it because I find that my kids want to do everything and as a teacher I see kids are to often over scheduled. I always said that my kids would play one sport a season and these little programs are great fillers. We do swim team 2-3 days a week and they want to play another sport. Now they can play TBAll. There are no games, no team to let down if you miss a practice it is just fun and excercise. I really like what I am seeing from the new director. NOW WHAT TO DO ABOUT PARKING AT THE Y!!!

Random Beginning

Well here is my first post. I have a few blogs for my classes but thought I would just have a random blog that does not promote anything but randomness. You may hear about my family, may hear about Holyoke stuff, or just random thoughts I hope you enjoy. The title of my blog is from the Douglas Adams book "Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy". This book is totally random and strangley funny. I hope this blog will be the same.